The Dangers of Blue light (Junk Light) and why you need Sunlight every day

Light is addictive and essential, according to Dr. Jack Kruse. And if we are constantly exposed to blue light all day and evening, then it is damaging to our health. 

Our indoor lights, technology and screens contain significant blue light and don't include the full spectrum of light, which would normally balance out the blue light. 

Blue light by itself is present in the sun, but sunlight balances it out with other colors that are its antidote, like red light. Unfortunately, our screens are dominated by this blue light and have a set color temperature equivalent to solar noon. Constant exposure to this blue light disturbs our circadian rhythm. How? Well, this light exposure can affect dopamine and other hormones /neurotransmitters and can even cause psychological problems. In fact, the hormone melatonin controls our mitochondrial energy production. Blue light disrupts melatonin production and we breathe less, sleep less, and suffer effects on our basic metabolic rate from overexposure. Some research even shows effects in memory.

This constant blue light from our screens is disrupting our melatonin signaling and affecting our health in multiple ways, including sleep, energy, memory, behaviour and  chronic disease. Constant exposure to blue light can make you extremely sensitive to mould. 

What can you do?

  • 1. Watch the Sunrise daily without sunglasses

  • 2. Take a tech detox

  • 3. Avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning or last thing at night

  • 4. Use / swap to full spectrum lights and globes and red light lamps for the evening

  • 5. Get daily sun exposure 

  • 6. Use blue light blocking glasses when the sun goes down or when doing prolonged computer work 

  • 7. Use red light and infrared lights

Learn more here

Toxic Screens with Dr Jack Kruse

Why you need to optimise sunlight


Balance Hormones, mood and reduce Inflammation


Is Mould making you sick?