Our Neurobalance program, inspired by Dr. Robert Melillo's work, utilises Chiropractic and Functional & Developmental Neurology to identify and strengthen imbalances in brain networks. These imbalances can manifest as physical, learning, or behavioural dysfunctions.

The purpose of the Neurobalance Program is to offer brain-based therapy and training to engage the brain and body, enhancing the way the brain functions and connects, leading to improvements in how we feel and function in our daily lives. 

Does my child have a brain imbalance?

The Brain controls the entire body and all its systems. An imbalance in the brain especially between the two hemispheres can result in an imbalance in ANY system in the body & may present in many conditions and challenges.

A more balanced brain can lead to stabilisation and improvement in learning, behaviour, and social issues, regardless of when these imbalances emerge. Brain based therapies encourage the formation and strengthening of new connections, enhancing overall brain function.

Babies & children have a very specific blueprint for development.

When this process is disrupted the brain can become out of balance and one brain hemisphere may become weaker or disconnected resulting in an unevenness of skills. This is called a Functional Disconnection and may cause behaviour, coordination and learning issues similar to those seen in ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Processing or Defiance Disorders.

What we do?

Neurobalance and Chiropractic Neurology aim to enhance brain function by strengthening under-matured networks, improving cognitive and physical abilities. Strengthening connections between the hemispheres can positively impact executive functions like attention, decision-making, and comprehension, leading to improvements in mood, memory, focus, behaviour and social skills.

Each session involves an individualised program that combines aspects of the following to create better Brain and Body balance:

The brain has an enormous capacity to re-organise its structure and function and build new neural pathways no matter the age. This is called Neuroplasticity. Repetitive and very specific sensory, visual & auditory stimulation will build a more connected brain, balancing this functional disconnection.

Change the brain and you can change your life!

Our Tools

  • The work of renowned functional neurologist Dr Robert Melillo. This is a functional & developmental approach to restoring optimal brain balance between the two hemispheres of the brain.

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  • Low Level Laser Therapy supplies your body with the energy it needs for accelerated healing and repair.

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  • Enabling the body’s own ability to heal and recover using a software application that targets the visual and vestibular system to improve coordination and muscle function.

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  • Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-basedtraining and assessment IM proven to improve cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech/language, executive functioning, comprehension, as well as motor and sensory skills.

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  • Vibe Plate provides whole body vibration at specific frequencies and protocols to improve balance, coordination, bone density, muscle tone, lymphatic drainage, gut function, and pain.

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  • Braintap helps you reboot and revitalize by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential. Backed by neuroscience and research, braintap is proven to help people who experience high stress, difficulty sleeping, low energy, and other lifestyle challenges.

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  • Continuous stress keeps the body's fight-or-flight system, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), in constant overdrive. Rehabilitating the Vagus nerve helps to calm the system, improve digestion, slep , rest and hormones.

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At Freshwater Chiropractic, we’re strong believers in evidence-based practice.

Our Neurobalance program is based on the principles and practice of Brain Balance®, a US program designed by Dr Robert Melillo. Brain Balance’s program and The Melillo Method was recently studied by researchers at McLean Hospital and the world-leading Harvard University.

They found primitive reflex integration, brain-balance exercises and the interactive Metronome program (coming soon!) was as effective as low-dose ADHD medication. They also found:

Marked reduction in total ADHD scores as rated by both parents and clinicians.

Children were less impulsive, more focused, better at social interactions, less prone to tantrums and more skilled in social interactions.

Lab testing also demonstrated they were better able to sit still and pay attention.

Another study published in the Journal of Mental Health and Clinical Psychology suggested that the Brain Balance Program was an effective, non-drug option for reducing and improving emotional and developmental challenges associated with anxiety, ADHD or autism.

After 5-6 months in the program, parents reported their children showed:

40 %

Improvement in behaviour and anxiety

50 %

Improvement in emotional functioning, ability to retain academic information and social confidence

60 %

Improvement in overall happiness

Primitive Reflexes