Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our Neurobalance program is based on the work of Dr Robert Melillo and involves many aspects of Chiropractic, and Functional and Developmental Neurology to identify and correct under-active or under-matured brain networks which can cause an imbalance in physical, cognitive or behavioural functions.

    Chiropractic Neurology differs from conventional approaches as its emphasis is on functional brain problems. While most people are familiar with lesions in the brain like strokes and tumours, many are not familiar with the concept of functional issues. Research is suggesting that functional brain problems may underlie many common neurological conditions like concussion, migraine, balance problems and learning difficulties.

  • Yes! Absolutely!

    When the brain is balanced, learning, behaviour and social issues begin to stabilise and improve, whether these imbalances begin in childhood or later in life they can be addressed and corrected through brain based therapies.

    The Brain controls the entire body and all its systems. An imbalance in the brain especially between the two hemispheres can result in an imbalance in ANY system in the body resulting in many varying conditions and challenges at any age.

  • A balanced brain allows for the ultimate expression of how your child is supposed to be. The Neurobalance Program is designed to improve integration between the brain hemispheres to allow for whole brain and body balance.

    Typically the program involves 3 or more months of at-home or in-office therapy, however improvements are likely seen within the first 4-6 weeks of beginning care.

    With several options available, (in office, intensive, at-home or combination) a suitable program of care will be selected. Just like braces take 12 - 18 months to improve the teeth, building a more balanced brain will take time, perseverance and consistency. We will support you through every step of the process.

  • You or your child will participate in a combination of physical and sensory exercises to activate the weaker side of the brain, whilst using a combination of specific vibration frequencies, tens units, the brain driver, brain tap, neurosage computer games and co-activation with our Neurosolution lasers.

    Your child may also participate in core strength exercises, cognition exercises, and visual, auditory and multi-sensory tasks involving rhythm and timing.

    The length of the program is a minimum of 3 months and can be longer based on your child’s baseline and your goals.

  • Our Neurobalance program is based on the work of Dr Robert Melillo and The Brain Balance Program. A Harvard study found that kids who participated in the Brain Balance Program saw a significant reduction in ADHD index scores, discernible changes in hyperactivity, enhanced cognitive attention, and reductions in oppositional behavior.

    In a study by Cambridge Brain Sciences, results showed that children who completed three months of the Brain Balance Program displayed significant improvements in cognition (particularly in areas of memory), reasoning, verbal ability, and concentration.

  • The Neurobalance Program does not hurt or cause any pain, the exercises may be challenging, hard or boring to an over excitable child, however discomfort is very rare and immediately addressed if your child feels uncomfortable.

    As the brain builds new pathways and better connections, behavioural issues may temporarily worsen as the brain moves into balance and the child learns to inhibit or stop a certain behaviour. Just as we expect the “terrible two’s” to occur as a normal developmental process, behaviour changes may reflect normal neurodevelopment processes.

    Remember change is good but it doesn’t always look good initially. Rest assured any negative behaviour patturns will settle down in a week or two.

    As the brain becomes more connected and brain communication improves, the brain will build new connections and allow for certain developmental milestones to be met and moved through.

  • Most children enjoy their Neurobalance therapy sessions and cope extremely well with the somatosensory stimulation. We start out slowly and ensure that your child is comfortable and coping with the added stimulation.

  • There are no known side effects of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) however, if the condition being treated is a chronic one, some individuals may experience a slight increase in their level of discomfort. This is however, a short term response that soon settles, and is due to the increase in blood supply to the affected area, and is in fact a sign that healing is taking place.

    Low Level Laser Therapy is a non-invasive, fast acting, safe, effective, and drug free treatment method. With a history of more than 50 years of use without incident or side effects, research has shown that it is at least as effective as NSAIDS with no detrimental side effects.

    Can it cause burns or damage skin cells? No, LLLT uses light as opposed to heat to treat the condition.

    Is there scientific research to show the safety and effectiveness of laser therapy? LLLT is fully backed by scientific research. In fact, there are 1000’s of studies available, with new ones being added almost every day!