Laser therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also referred to as Cold Laser Therapy or Photobiomodulation is a non-drug approach to treating soft tissue injuries. Laser Therapy harnesses light energy to stimulate the body's innate healing process. Photobiomodulation has been extensively studied since the 1960’s and has been proven to be safe and extremely effective to increase healing and speed recovery.
This technique aids in addressing pain, inflammation, swelling, scar tissue, blood flow and muscle spasms while enhancing oxygen levels in damaged cells. Our MR5 Active Pro Laser is an advanced super pulsed 50w laser that delivers impactful results without generating heat and possesses the capability to penetrate up to 12cm into the body. Additionally, it is officially approved and registered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). By utilizing photobiomodulation, low-level laser therapy encourages enhanced energy and blood circulation, proving beneficial for both acute and chronic injuries, pain management, scar tissue reduction, and preventing future injuries.
Laser therapy helps
Repair injured tissue
Reduces pain and swelling
Heal or prevent scar tissue
improves blood circulation
Stimulate cellular energy
Stimulate collagen production
Support lymph and detoxification
Our NeuroSolution lasers are a class 3B laser and are FDA approved and pre-programed with over 300 proprietary frequencies and wavelengths to give you the best and most accurate treatment settings. We are able to use these lasers safely and effectively on the central nervous system to support underactive neural networks.
As Nikola Tesla quoted “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” We believe that light changes life AND combined with the right frequencies and wavelengths we have seen treatment times reduced.
Increase in cerebral blood flow
Increase in tissue oxygenation
Reduces activated microglia
Reduces neuroinflammation
Increases neurogenesis
Increases synaptogenesis
Increase growth factors
Decreases swelling and edema
Increases antioxidants like SOD /glutathione
Supports and Heals the blood brain barrier
Shown to reduce viral replication and improve immune response
Activates or inhibits brain network firing
Has an affect on functional connectivity / network activity via use of frequencies (pulsations of light)
Can rapidly reduce or eliminate primitive reflexes when properly applied