Balance Hormones, mood and reduce Inflammation
This is an epidemic facing modern women, and by default, the men and children in their lives. Never in the history of human evolution have women’s lives changed so vastly like it has over the last 50 years.
Women care for their children and their jam packed schedules, husbands, friends and family whilst trying to maintain and grow a successful career. The world is speeding up and we are running to keep up with it. ,
Our food production is now packaged or intensively farmed and the community that once supported and helped raise a family has vanished mostly from our modern world. We live primarily indoors under and in front of blue artificial light and in temperature controlled environments. We are bombarded by non-native electro-magnetic frequencies and are overwhelmed by the never ending information available at our fingertips.
This is having a profound and devastating effect on women's bodies, minds and souls and also their families.
Our bodies are inherently clever. We have miraculous inbuilt chemical and neurological mechanisms to keep us alive and help us heal. However, your body doesn’t have a voice. It can't tell you when something isn’t right, you have to listen very carefully for the early signs.
Your body has an amazing ability to cope. But with sustained and ongoing pressures from physical, toxic/chemical and emotional stressors the symptom barrier is broken & systemic Inflammation runs rampant. In fact by the time you notice a symptom, the problem has most likely been developing in the background for some time.
The things you experience such as exhaustion, hormonal symptoms, immune dysfunction, digestive issues, weight gain, insomnia or mood changes, is your body’s wisdom speaking to you. Whispering quietly, that things have gone too far and you need to make changes now.
5 Habits To DO NOW to Balance hormones, mood, & reduce Inflammation
1 - Set your alarm -See the SUN RISE EVERYDAY - Make sure the first light you see is the sunrise.
The first morning light stabilises circadian Rhythm, triggering your hormone pathways and melatonin production and can be an effective counter-strategy for poor lighting during the day and also light exposure at the wrong time, such as in the late evening. The regenerating red spectrum naturally found in sunlight is the antidote to the stimulating blue spectrum which is one of the main reasons why you want your morning light to be sunlight and not artificial LED lighting which is heavy in blue but red light deficient. The COMBO of red and blue (and eventually a little purple UV) is what makes the early morning sunlight so healthy for you. Take the blue light toxic test: The blue light diet Click HERE
2- Minimise artificial BLUE light exposure after sunset.
Use Amber or Red Glasses after sunset to block BLUE light, especially if working on a laptop, device, phone or watching TV. Swap lamps or light fittings to full spectrum or red light globes where possible.
3- Move your body daily
Early morning walk - outside - walk bare feet on the wet sand or grass if possible. Do most of your exercise outside
4-Eat Simply
Increase Protein, Remove carbohydrates and grains, sugars and bad oils. Stop eating foods in packets. Eat Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, organic pure butter, vegetables and salad.
Follow Dr Jack Kruse Leptin Prescription - learn more here - Summary below
Make sure breakfast is little to no carbs (less that 50 grams)
LOTS of protein (50-75 grams) at every meal
If Overweight: limit carbs to 25 grams
If Fit: less than 100 grams of carbs
DO NOT count calories
NO SNACKING! Snacking destroys timing and circadian clocks that work in unison with Leptin
Most will notice a change in cravings within 4-6 weeks
Eat 3 meals a day initially (as your hunger and cravings fade you can adapt to 2 a day)
Do allow 4-5 hours between dinner and bedtime
Trouble sleeping? Do 3-5 minutes of body weight exercises (i.e. pushups or squats) before bed
5- Take time to BREATHE
Take some time for YOU. Let go of some things. Take time out of your day to BREATHE and be STILL. 5 minutes is all it takes - let your mind become clear, imagine your brain as a muscle and let it relax, away from the inside of the skull. Take 8-10 long slow breaths with a focus on the Exhale ( 6-8 seconds). Do this 3-4 times per day. I like to do this in the bathroom, in my car, or lying on the grass in the sun - or wherever I can get away from everyone in my life that needs me