Sacro Occipital Technique
SOT corrects disorders and misalignments of the spinal, pelvic and cranial bones(skul) which interfere with the secretion, fluctuation, absorption and pumping of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the nervous system.
SOT uses highly accurate and effective clinical procedures to normalize the relationship between the skull and pelvis, affecting the movement of the cerebro spinal fluid and releasing the dura which covers the entire nervous system.
Following a physical assessment of the patient, the application of SOT techniques promotes optimal innate healing mechanics for the spine, pelvis, cranium, organs, extremities, nervous system, brain and muscles. These techniques promote balance, neurological integrity and integrated function of the organ structure and neurological mechanism within the body.
By clearing blockages SOT may help boost your general well being, reduce stress, improve the quality of your sleep, increase your energy, enhance the functioning of all the body’s organs and specifically relieve nerve problems.